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- Super Sculpey Clay - Beige/Flesh Colour 454g
Super Sculpey Clay - Beige/Flesh Colour 454g
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Super Sculpey Clay is the firm base that many sculptors desire as it can be carved and it takes on finer details. It's commonly used by professional sculpture artists and car model makers and beginners alike.
Super Sculpey® is a very unique polymer clay, loved by artists, doll makers and animation studios around the world. With a ceramic-like feel, Super Sculpey® is available in semi-translucent beige that, once baked, captures the glow of real skin.
It can also be mixed with Premo or Sculpey® III to change the color. As with all of our polymer clays, it is easy to condition right out of the package and stays soft until you bake it. Super Sculpey® features fine tooling and detailing characteristics, and does not “fill in” after tooling. Because of the fine tooling and detailing characteristics of Super Sculpey, it is frequently the chosen clay for making prototypes from which molds are made from the Super Sculpey® sculptures; then reproductions are made using the molds. Additionally, artists are producing finely detailed finished sculptures using Super Sculpey. After curing in the oven, Super Sculpey® can be sanded, drilled carved and painted with water-based acrylic paints.
It can also be mixed with Premo or Sculpey® III to change the color. As with all of our polymer clays, it is easy to condition right out of the package and stays soft until you bake it. Super Sculpey® features fine tooling and detailing characteristics, and does not “fill in” after tooling. Because of the fine tooling and detailing characteristics of Super Sculpey, it is frequently the chosen clay for making prototypes from which molds are made from the Super Sculpey® sculptures; then reproductions are made using the molds. Additionally, artists are producing finely detailed finished sculptures using Super Sculpey. After curing in the oven, Super Sculpey® can be sanded, drilled carved and painted with water-based acrylic paints.
Conditioning Super-Sculpey
Super Sculpey is not pre-conditioned. It requires conditioning before use. Conditioning is the process of kneading the clay to make it more pliable, uniform, and easy to work with. Here's why conditioning Super Sculpey is important and how you can do it effectively:
Why Condition Super Sculpey?
How to Condition Super Sculpey
Tips for Conditioning Super Sculpey
Conditioning Super Sculpey ensures you have the best working experience and achieve the desired results in your sculpting projects.
Why Condition Super Sculpey?
- Improves Flexibility: Conditioning makes the clay more flexible, preventing it from cracking or breaking during shaping and baking.
- Ensures Even Texture: Kneading the clay helps to blend any inconsistencies, making it smooth and uniform in texture.
- Activates Plasticizers: The process of conditioning activates the plasticizers in the clay, making it softer and easier to mold.
- Removes Air Bubbles: Conditioning helps to remove any air bubbles trapped within the clay, which can cause flaws in the final product.
How to Condition Super Sculpey
- Warm It Up: Start by warming the clay slightly in your hands. You can also use a warm water bath (place the clay in a bag and submerge it in warm water to increase the temperature of the clay) or a heating pad for a few minutes to make the clay more pliable.
- Knead Thoroughly: Break off a small piece of clay and knead it with your hands. Roll, stretch, and fold the clay repeatedly. This process can take several minutes, depending on the clay's initial firmness.
- Use a Clay Roller: A clay roller or pasta machine can be very effective in conditioning clay. Run the clay through the roller several times, folding it each time to ensure even conditioning.
- Check for Readiness: Properly conditioned clay will be smooth, flexible, and free of cracks when bent. If the clay is still stiff or crumbly, continue conditioning until it reaches the desired consistency.
- Add Softeners if Needed: If the clay is particularly hard, you can add a clay softener or mix it with a softer clay to aid in the conditioning process.
Tips for Conditioning Super Sculpey
- Work in Small Batches: It's often easier to condition small pieces of clay and then combine them as needed for your project.
- Avoid Over-Conditioning: While it's important to condition the clay, over-conditioning can lead to excess softness, making it difficult to work with intricate details.
- Use Softener: Polymer clay softener is a standard and very essential product that is every clay worker will use regularly. Add a single drop of liquid clay softener to your clay if you require a softer texture, or to aid in conditioning. A drop goes a long way, so use just one to begin with, and only add another if the desired texture is not achieved with the previous drop. You may need more depending on the size, temperature and level of conditioning of the clay, but remember, less is more!
- Store Properly: Once conditioned, keep the clay in an airtight container to maintain its softness until you're ready to use it.
Conditioning Super Sculpey ensures you have the best working experience and achieve the desired results in your sculpting projects.